Choose the Right GPS Tracking System for Your Business

Real time vehicle tracking systems have become a very popular way to increase the security of your vehicle or business asset. A GPS tracker is an electronic device designed to be used in almost any vehicle as well as containers, trailers and other business assets. These locating systems are also widely used in the racing car industry to track these expensive cars between competitions that can span continents. A locating system is more common than you might think because they are easily installed, traced and most importantly, legal.

What exactly is a Real time Vehicle Tracking System?

A real time vehicle locating system is a small electronic unit that can be attached covertly to your asset. There are a wide range of uses for a GPS tracking systems but virtually any vehicle or business asset that you believe requires more security or monitoring can be covertly rigged with a locating system. This system triangulates the position of your vehicle through multiple satellites and relays this information back to a receiver unit. Your software receives an update of your vehicle’s location approximately every 2 minutes. Systems can vary widely but usually provide you not only with the exact location of your asset in real time but also allow you to control the lights, locks, horn and even engage or disengage the starter.

Which System is right for you?

There are primarily three different types of GPS tracking systems. The most common and probably the highest in demand are the real-time vehicle locating systems. This type earned this name because of the time that the location of the vehicle is available to you.

Passive locating systems are also available and are used for verification of the route, time the vehicle was at a stop or how long the engine ran idle. Passive systems store data on the unit and the information is typically downloaded when the vehicle returns. This is sometimes a more economical choice for many users because there is no monthly fee.

Locating systems are also available in an Enterprise system. This system is a combination of the real time and passive systems all in one system. This type is helpful when you own a fleet of vehicles and do not require real time method on each vehicle.

Smart Economical Decision

Integrating a locator into your business can be a smart financial choice. First, depending on your locating needs, you can choose a system that works the best for you. If you find that an Enterprise system may work well for you, you will discover a savings on your monthly fees.

Better yet, auto insurance companies love locating systems. Many automobile fleet owners find that their premium payments are cheaper by utilizing a GPS tracking system. Auto insurance companies can evaluate how “safe” your drivers are on the road and will often provide you with discounts as a result.

Real time vehicle tracking systems can be a helpful business tool for your business.

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