Vintage project cars are old cars that people buy to use in their car repair hobby. Usually, we are talking about cars from the fifties, sixties and the seventies. Cars prior to the fifties are very hard to find. Their parts broke much easier than car parts of later decades. […]
Month: June 2024
Called as the ‘Coolest Little Capital of the World’ by Lonely Planet, Wellington offers a plethora of options for the adventure and outdoor sports lovers. Like the rest of New Zealand, Wellington in North Island too boasts of natural riches, whether it is the Oriental Bay or the Makara Peak […]
Most drivers have faced the ‘rock chip on the windshield’ and more often than not, they let the rock chip sit there till it grows into a longer crack and then one is forced to replace the windshield. Windshield crack repair can prevent the crack from growing further and ensure […]
Do you want to know how much your motorcycle is worth? Are you curious as to what its trade in or retail value is? Maybe you just want to know what you should expect to pay for a new or used bike. Well you might be interested to know that […]
So where is money spent in a product’s development? That would be an interesting thing to think about. Let’s see. About 40% of a bike’s development comes in the engine and gearbox part. Another 40% in chassis and the other components account for the remaining 20%. Obviously I am makiing […]
Like many industries, the automotive industry is one that has seen changes over the course of its existence. One of the changes is in the way that the parts are manufactured for the end product. At one time, many of the parts were made by machines that were largely controlled […]
We are luckier than our families and friends of 20 years back because we have the benefit of GPS tracking devices. GPS is a technique of finding your location on Earth by employing the signals from a web of satellites that were launched towards the end of last century by […]
Like it or not, car insurance is something you need if you want to legally drive, no matter which state you live in. The amount of coverage you need, however, varies from one state to the next. Check the minimum requirements in your area and then decide whether or not […]
Many non-profit groups are feeling upset that they are allowed to do car wash fundraisers in some California Cities. It is not that the government officials are against your groups raising money, it is that they worry where are the soapy dirty water is going. It is a problem and […]
There can be lot of different reasons for renting a car. It can be any special occasion like wedding, function, business trip, or it can be a vacation holidays. Renting a car at another place can be very exciting and adventurous. But, times come when this vacation, trip, or any […]