The latest Parrot MKi9200 kits come with Version 2.0 software pre-installed. However, older kits can be brought up to date by downloading the latest software. Downloading these files is easily done onto a USB drive after setting up a correctly named folder. You then connect your USB drive into the USB music connector already in your car.
Parrot Ongoing Software Support
Some competing manufacturers believe once there product is sold, their commitment is finished. Parrot is different. They have excellent ongoing software support and this is one of the reasons they are market leaders.
The 2012 Version 2.0 software update for Parrot MKi 9200, 9100, and 9000, gives a dual phone function allowing two simultaneous Bluetooth connections. There are future software functions in the pipe line, for example ‘TextFriendly’ will allow users to read and compose, texts or Emails by voice.
Downloading MKi 9200 Updates on a Windows PC
Firstly you need to set up your USB drive on your computer. If the USB device is not formatted, right click on it in ‘My Computer’, and click ‘Format’ from the drop down menu. Make sure you choose FAT32 and not NTFS as the file formatting system.
Once finished right click on the USB device in ‘My Computer’ and create a new folder called “ParrotUp” with no spaces and capital ‘P’ and ‘U’.
Next go to the Parrot website and from their home page click:
Support > Download > Download Parrot Software Update Tool
It is important to download this general installer before going back to the same page and downloading the device specific MKi 9200 update files.
Most often the 9200 file will be saved into your Windows ‘Downloads’ folder. You will not be able to open it on a PC as the format is not understood by your computer. You need to copy it to the ‘ParrotUp’ folder on your USB drive – this can all be done by opening ‘My Computer’ and then right clicking on my downloads.
The file will be called ‘MKi9200.plf’, do not change the file name as the MKi 9200 car kit will not be able to find it on the USB stick.
Installing the MKi9200 Update
You take the USB drive to the car. Start the car and wait for your kit to wake up, which can take 10 seconds or more.
On your car kit select:
Settings > Advanced Settings > Update
You now plug your USB drive into the USB music connector installed in the car. It can take a few minutes but once finished the kit will display “Update Successful” and the Parrot MKi9200 will reboot itself automatically.
Your current software version installed on your car kit can be seen from:
Settings > Advanced Settings > Information